Polar Bear Patrols

Polar bears in close proximity to and entering villages pose an ongoing safety concern for communities located within polar bear territory.

North Slope Borough Polar Bear Patrol

North Slope Communities

The North Slope Borough operates a polar bear patrol program in its communities, with local patrollers hired to monitor for bears coming into villages and deter bears using non-lethal methods. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service provides funds to the North Slope Borough for the annual operation of this program. For more information, please visit the North Slope Borough website.

Other Polar Bear Patrol Efforts in Alaska

Kingikmiut Nanuuq Patrol

The community of Wales developed the Kingikmiut Nanuuq Patrol (KNP) program in 2014, in close partnership with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). KNP is currently seeking sustainable funding solutions to maintain operations.

Native Village of Diomede

The Native Village of Diomede operates an ad-hoc polar bear patrol program, utilizing tribal funds and grant funds when available. This patrol mainly operates during winter months to protect children walking to and from school.

Other Communities

Discussions are underway about potentially developing polar bear patrol programs in other communities, based on community interest. For more information, please contact the ANCC office.

Three Steps for Polar Bear Safety

A polar bear encounter in or near your community can occur at any time. Download our safety tips flyer & stay safe!